Furthermore, the evidence we seek is not readily available and will not be discovered for untold generations. Therefore, we extrapolate from what we know to the unknown. Epiphany is the natural explanation for our existence.
"The answer to all of our questions is written in nature; you just have to know how to read the book."
Epiphany was conceived by observing nature and patterns in nature, starting with the obvious and then extrapolating. Epiphany explains events as they would occur naturally in nature and is supported by corresponding elements that exist in nature.
Epiphany is a reality-based explanation of our existence that adheres to parameters within nature, a sequence of events that progress to their natural conclusion. Below is a side-by-side comparison between Epiphany and Nature. The left column contains words from Epiphany, and directly across in the right column is the corresponding element or event in nature.
Epiphany | Nature |
Our creator | Our parents |
Created the universe | Built a home |
Us | Us |
The search for our creator continues | The search for our parents continues |
We evolve | We grow |
We come face-to-face | We find our parents |
Our creator teaches us to create | Our parents teach us to build |
We become creators | We become builders |
We create universes | We build houses |
As the search for his parents continues, he grows, and then one day, he finds his father, and his father teaches him how to build, and then he becomes a builder, and now he builds houses.
Extrapolates into this:
As the search for our creator continues, we evolve. And then, one day, our descendants will come face to face with our creator, and our creator will teach us how to create, and then we will become creators, and we will create universes.
A couple starts a family, nurtures their children, and guides them through life. Then, the children grow into adults, leave home, become parents, and raise a family of their own.
A young child searches for her mother, and as her search continues, she grows. And then, one day, she finds her mother, and her mother teaches her how to sew, and then she becomes a seamstress, and now she designs fashion.
Epiphany adheres to common elementary scenarios inherent in nature. This analysis demonstrates that the new message was inspired by nature, and anyone who wishes to illustrate an alternate scenario of how events unfold, please feel free to answer the questions below.
Why is the boy searching for his mother?
- Will the daughter find her father?
- Yes
- No
- How do parents treat their children?
- Subjugate them
- Teach them
- Fill in the blank ________
- Children grow up to become?
- Parents
- Adults
- Fill in the blank ________
- Why do people have children?
- To make new worshipers
- To breed slaves
- Fill in the blank ________
- Are we our creator's children?
- Yes
- No
"We are like tadpoles in a pond. We are the tadpoles, and the universe is our pond."
Epiphany's solid reality-based foundation and common-sense explanation render magic-based2, alternate reality ideologies obsolete and relegated to the realm of mythology and superstition.
This message is based on observing processes and symmetry in the natural world and is confirmed by evidence from nature. Natural biological processes function on multiple levels. Growth and evolution, for example, result from the same process operating at different scales.
We also observe that procreation (the process by which an organism produces others of its biological kind3) is the predominant natural process on this planet. Therefore, we can extrapolate that the purpose of our existence is to create life.
"A race of humans born of this universe follows their instincts as they traverse galaxies in search of their creator. From their root beginnings, ever-evolving, in the hope that one day they will come face to face with the parent entity."
1 Merriam-Webster
2 Despite all efforts, some people may never comprehend Epiphany if they lack common sense.
3 MAGIC – mag·ic | \măj′ĭk \ noun; an attempt to understand and use supernatural forces through rituals, symbols, actions, gestures, and language. Departing from what is usual, especially to transcend the laws of nature, achieving desired results through various controls of the supernatural, an effect that exceeds all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause, a miracle. Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster, The Free Dictionary, and Dictionary.com.
4 Wordnik.comNEXT: #Acts