do you believe in reality are you a realist atheist nonbeliever  Perhaps there is a more intelligent explanation beyond religion and atheist theories. Theists believe that a supernatural God created life. In contrast, atheists believe that life evolved from inorganic elements accidentally colliding. The problem is that both theories ignore the laws of nature, and these models are not observable in nature. So far, no one has combined non-living materials or breathed air into the dust of the ground to bring life into existence.
We need theories that adhere to natural law and reference observable events. Therefore, study nature and then extrapolate to develop theories that complement nature.
The answer to how life came into existence is not a secret nor a mystery. Life is everywhere on this planet, and we see it every day. Life begins through conception and birth; therefore, we extrapolate that this planet is the seed from which life grows, and another entity is the source from which life on this planet originates. This other entity is the parent of life on this planet.

"We are like tadpoles in a pond. We are the tadpoles, and the universe is our pond."

We don't need to invent bizarre theories to explain how life begins. Life does not come from inanimate objects or supernatural beings. Instead, life originating from a natural biological entity explains our existence within the realm of nature.

Which of the following scenarios is most likely to produce life?
  1. Inanimate, non-living, inorganic matter begat life.
  2. God created the heavens and the earth.
  3. We were conceived by our parents.


The Nothing Theory:

"A frog lays some eggs and then leaves. A few days later, the eggs begin to hatch. After several weeks, the tadpoles look around and contemplate their existence. Then the tadpoles proclaim, 'Our existence is an accident; we are here by mistake.'"

Many atheists rely on the Nothing Theory because they have been traumatized and emotionally scarred by theists and their ideology. However, merely repeating the mantra, "We come from nothing, we will be nothing, and when we die, there is nothing," just isn't good enough. The Nothing Theory is a tedious hypothesis that closes the mind and inspires no one. At best, the Nothing Theory is lazy, boring, lacks imagination, and has no vision.

Atheists react to theistic theories without offering any compelling ideas of their own. Atheists need a better argument; they need original ideas, ingenious theories, and innovative concepts that make more sense.

It is incomprehensible that we exist and evolve for no apparent reason. If our existence has no purpose, we could stay the same and die the same, generation after generation. But we are evolving.

"We are the caterpillars who do not know they will become butterflies."

If you subscribe to the Nothing Theory, you most likely presume that we are the most knowledgeable beings in the universe and that nothing or no one is more intelligent than us. But unfortunately, this way of thinking takes us back to the "we are the center of the universe" era, and we all know what happened to that idea.



Most atheists consider themselves above-average, intelligent, and logical people looking for an explanation that makes sense. But, for the moment, let us assume that things are happening in the universe that we know absolutely nothing about and cannot comprehend. So, let's investigate further to see if we can uncover an acceptable explanation for our existence:

When a flash of lightning strikes through the sky, we could say lightning bolts evolve from warm air composed of positive droplets colliding with cold air composed of negative crystals, triggering a massive electrostatic discharge. Or we can simply say, "That cloud created lightning." Evolved or created, it makes no difference as long as it's explained as a natural process. Evolution and creation are synergistic. We were created to evolve.

We were created by something unknowable and inconceivable, of which words have never been written into any books, scrolls, or texts. We establish a new theory of creation, adopt the parenting model, and redefine creator and creation.



"Our creator is not a magical being with supernatural powers who needs to be worshiped; our creator is the natural parent of all life on this planet."

Some people get anxious when they hear the word "creator." They confuse "creator" with "Creator." These are two different words with two distinct meanings:
  • creator (lowercase) - something or someone that brings something into being1
  • Creator (capitalized) - The Creator/God1
Our creator is an unknown entity; as a result, the parent entity means creator, and creator refers to the parent entity.

When someone says, "We were created," reply, "Yes, we were; we were created to evolve." Our creator is unknowable and inconceivable. There are no written texts or spoken words that describe our creator, as our creator is enigmatic and ineffable.

Speak in common terms. Use "creator" instead of "parent entity" whenever possible because you will win people over when you give them an alternative that is palatable to their ears.

Magic2 does not exist, and supernatural deities are not real. Although we have no concept of our creator, we know that our creator is a natural entity, and creation is a natural process.

Now, with both creation and evolution on your side, the only task from this day forward is to teach people who believe in the supernatural and miracles that magic is not real. We must assist them in realizing and understanding that magic is no longer necessary to explain things we cannot comprehend.

Where is our creator, and who sowed the seed? We do not know, but one day we will. There are concepts we do not understand and constructs yet to be discovered, so keep an open mind to endless possibilities. A great adventure awaits us.


The problem with current theories is that they are not observable in nature. The Nothing Theory is a naïve, futile attempt that requires no thought and is designed for people with mind-numbing vision. With its bleak prognosis, the theory of nothing will never motivate anyone.

With fresh, novel ideas that conform to the laws of nature and intelligent people to construct competent answers, we extrapolate from what is known to what is unknown.

Our creator is not a supernatural being. Life is not created by supernatural beings or inorganic objects. But instead, life is created through birth, and every life has a parent from which it originates. Born of this world, we are left alone to nurture this planet, flourish, and evolve.

"Little Jamir asked his father, 'Dad, how did life begin?' His father replied, "Well, Jamir… This planet had a boyfriend, got pregnant, and gave birth to all the life that's on it. We just don't know who the father is."

1 Wikipedia and

2 MAGIC – mag·ic | \măj′ĭk \ noun; an attempt to understand and use supernatural forces through rituals, symbols, actions, gestures, and language. Departing from what is usual, especially to transcend the laws of nature, achieving desired results through various controls of the supernatural, an effect that exceeds all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause, a miracle. Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster, The Free Dictionary, and

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