Believe in reality and reality-based beliefs. Believe in things that are real. We have a history of believing in magic, also known as the supernatural, from the earliest tribal religions, through Greek mythology, to today. We still believe in magical people, magical places, and magical things. Epiphany is the first explanation of our existence based on reality and nature and is the only explanation entirely compatible with science.

Epiphany marks the beginning of a new age where magic is no longer necessary to explain our existence. So, if your belief allows you to believe in magic, then what you believe is not real. For example, if you are waiting for a dead person to come back to life, this should be the first clue that your belief is superstition.

The supernatural and miracles fall into the category of magic. However, there are two types of miracles. There are reality-based miracles, and there are magic-based miracles. For example, the lone survivor of an airplane crash is a reality-based miracle. On the other hand, resurrecting the dead—bringing the deceased back to life is a magic-based miracle, and magic-based miracles are not real.

We can separate truth from fiction and reality from fantasy. We can deconstruct your beliefs to discover the truth and reveal the true purpose of your ideology.

The first step is to remove the magical elements. If a character’s existence cannot be explained without magic, then that person or entity is not real. Many mythical characters possess supernatural powers. If your belief involves people with magical abilities, either remove the capabilities or remove the person entirely.

Apply the same logic to objects and places. For example, fantasy and fairy tales have mysterious locations and magical things. If the purpose of an object or place cannot be explained without magic, then it has no true purpose and is not real.

Removing magical elements may be the only adjustment required for certain beliefs, while for others, more is needed. Some require the removal of contrived elements deeply embedded in the ideology.

There are two types of law: laws of nature and laws made by men. Man-made laws are useful tools for maintaining civil society and defining moral behavior. Man-made laws must adapt to ever-evolving civilizations because their inherent artificial nature makes them susceptible to flaws. Man-made laws are not immutable, nor are they divine. You are not eternally bound by man-made laws, as they have no place in pure ideology—remove them from your doctrine. To know the true intent of your beliefs, you must do the following:
  1. Discard all rituals and ceremonies.
  2. Remove man-made rules and regulations.
  3. Strip away manufactured restrictions and limitations.
In the end, we are left with the pure bare essence of our beliefs. If an idea cannot survive without magic or loses its purpose and meaning in the absence of contrived rituals and rules, then that ideology is not genuine. Consequently, many faiths are forgotten and rendered obsolete because of their mystical components, unnecessary restrictions, and sacrifices. These elements have meant the demise of many religions and beliefs throughout human history.


Close your mind and continue to believe in magic, mythology, fantasy, and fairy tales.

Magic – mag·ic | \măj′ĭk \ noun; an attempt to understand and use supernatural forces through rituals, symbols, actions, gestures, and language. Departing from what is usual, especially to transcend the laws of nature, achieving desired results through various controls of the supernatural, an effect that exceeds all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause, a miracle.1 

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1 Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster, The Free Dictionary, and

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